Friday, November 9, 2007

H2O : A Journey of Faith

An invitation to our friends and family !

Have you ever felt like something important was missing? Ever wanted more than
you already had? Or maybe you’re satisfied with life right now. Will that last ... forever?

We are hosting an evocative DVD-driven series called "H2O : A Journey of Fatih".
In our opening discussion we will look at what kinds of things really satisfy your
deepest longings in life.

We will meet for an hour and a half once a week for 10 weeks. We will provide
dinner and thought provoking discussion to all who would like to join. You can
leave the rest of the week behind, or bring your challenges and doubts with you.
All you need to do is stop in and bring an open mind ...

Each night we feature a challenging topic that helps you think through what you
believe and why. Our gathering is a safe place to ask any of the questions you have,
and to meet up with other people who are interested in discovering the difference
faith in God can make in our modern world.

If you're like us, life's busy schedule has kept you from getting together
with friends and family. This is a good opportunity to remember
what that was like.

If this sounds like a journey you would like take with us, or if you have
any questions, contact Cory or Susan.

Dates and times have not yet been set. Please let us know if there
are times or days that work best for you.

Watch the promo trailer of the series below.

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